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Monday 7 August 2017

The origins of NOISE: Luigi Russolo

OK so I won't go too overly long winded with everyone even though a post such as this one would deserve to be much more detailed and worked upon instead of this quickly done drive-by style splat upon the virtual wall. Maybe some people think noise (non-anti)music comes from Japan with the Japanoise movement but it actually comes from end of 19th century/early 20th century Futurist movement. Painter Luigi Russolo designed the intonarumori which is essentially the first anti-instrument, relying more on analogue pre-electronic technology than anything, and resenbles a wooden box with a horn as an amplifier on it. None of the original intonarumori survived since their creation but many have been built by those who actually celebrate the "art of noise" developped by Russolo.

Anyway this is quite interesting considering where noise when since the advent of recording technologies and electronic music, even before computers became an integral part of making electronic music. In fact I can say that "local" independant noise artist Knurl was a true noise artist since he essentially actually constructed set-ups to generate noises which he would over-amplify to the extreme, instead of working with already established walls of noise re-processed through electronics and computers. Granted, Russolo's intonarumori weren't supposed to be amplified, which is quite impressive considering how today's noise scene seems to predominantly support the over-amplification of noise in order for anything to fit in their genre. The intonarumori therefore could maybe be considered the first non-instrument, or the first noise instrument. In any case, this is the origins of noise and something Worth investigating if you are into that kind of stuff.

Art of Noises classification of noise types

The Art of Noises classified "noise-sound" into six groups:
  1. Roars, Thunderings, Explosions, Hissing roars, Bangs, Booms
  2. Whistling, Hissing, Puffing
  3. Whispers, Murmurs, Mumbling, Muttering, Gurgling
  4. Noises obtained by beating on metals, woods, skins, stones, pottery, etc.
  5. Voices of animals and people, Shouts, Screams, Shrieks, Wails, Hoots, Howls, Death rattles, Sobs
  6. Screeching, Creaking, Rustling, Buzzing, Crackling, Scraping

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