Blog Archive

Sunday 30 June 2019

great album covers: Lebenserinnerungen Eines Lepidopterologen (Christoph Heeman & Andreas martin)

Album: Lebenserinnerungen Eines Lepidopterologen                                    
Artists: Andreas Martin and Christoph Heemann
Album art: Christoph Heeman

A long time ago I used to say that Christoph Heemann was "god" - what I was expressing is that everything he touched in terms of music was simply incredible, and he could do no wrong. Of course musical tastes can change, but my respect and admiration for Heemann's work continues. While at times his material may proove to be a bit on the tediouos side, it more often than not remains quite interesting to say the least. Mr Heemann isn't just a great music Producer but also does very wonderful artwork as well, and many of his visual arrangements for album covers are exceptionally evocative, and in attempting to try to pick just one seems this side of impossible, so I decided to focus on the collaboration (one of many) he did with his guitarist brother Andreas Martin. While rather minimal in concept, this album cover is also quite effective in its's own right and hence why I decided to include it here as a great album cover. So this means, of course, that there will probably be more featured from this visual artist!

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