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Thursday 13 June 2019

Is it just me or are we constantly bombarded by sounds/noises?

I do believe that more than ever before (except maybe during times of unrest and war), our modern western society(ies) is getting much louder. Between the impossibly over-loud station announcements in the métros (subways) to the blarring of floors/levels in elevators, it seems everywhere we go, we are constantly assaulted by noises and sounds, something which a mere 10-15 years ago wasn't as intense (although the metro/Subway example has been going on for over 2 décades, the new AZUR métros PA levels are absolutely maddening loud). Maybe this is something most humans don't notice due to most humans not being as sensitive to their senses as I am (a design flaw, especially in today's day and age, and Something I did not have any say in during my inception), and perhaps people are more easily subdued to being slowly compliant by the noise pressures/pollutants, but I noticed this obvious elevation in sound level allienation (much like I am old enough to have seen the world change between the pre-internet age to the post Y2K censorship loving internet), Anyway....

I think for me it all started décades ago when I noticed I could easily hear my neighbours due to the newer sound systems becoming increasingly bass-loudness heavy, while the sound insulation in apartment walls was far from adequate to sheild us from other's music, stompings, construction work, talking, etc. When I realized my hearing seemed much more sensitive/developped than anyone I ever known or communicated with, I knew I would have to take steps to try to drown out the increasing levels of noises around me. Then of course I noticed that society decided to bombard us everywhere we went. It wasn't just forced music in public places, but now we had automated voice announcements everywhere we went: we are greated by robot voices when we go to the super market, robot voices blurt out announcement on PA systems almost everywhere, robot voices in elevators, robot voices in public transit, etc... Soon enough, I noticed you simply could not go anywhere at all for some peace and quiet! No quiet at home (neighbours, city contruction, traffic, etc.), no quiet outside (obviously), no quiet in the métros (obviously, but the STM do have a not-so-secret agenda to allianate their users, as I explained elsewhere on this blog), no quiet in retail stores, etc... The only real peace and quiet I noticed I was getting was when I leave for work before 05h30am in the morning... And even then, I have noticed over the last couple of years that ever since I started getting to work early, more and more people seem to be doing similarly.

And yes, add to this all those fucking iphones and shit, where people these days not only scream into their cell phones on speaker phone, but also force others to listen to their so-called music on these portal phone devices. We're back to the old days of teens walking with their ghetto blasters in the Streets, only now it's the kids with their iPhone listening to that rap crap. So yeah, call me an old fart or an ancient geezer if you will, but just because it's 2019 and you've never known a world without the internet or cell phones doesn't mean that the world hasn't become louder. I do however doubt that many other people of my or older générations will remember that there was a time when elevators and the metro (Subway) didn't scream at you two time per minute.

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