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Wednesday 26 June 2019

They don't make videogames for males, right? (heavy sarcastica)

I have had many "feminist" discussions, mainly with my wife, about how even in 2019, after the post modern feminism movement has been soiled and tampered with by the media manipulation of the late 90s / early Y2K, and the subsequent seemingly "all-out" new-NEW (new neo? Neo new?) feminist movement of the 2010+ era (let's not get into that one just yet), there is still rather questionnable imagery being pushed forward in our media and images which seem to objectify women at every turn, and of course continuing the fakeness and low-brow cliches of what is considered "sexy" by the standards being imposed upon us by the culture industry (for décades upon décades). It is quite surprising that no one has ever questioned why so many seem to beleive that "cheapness" is sexy, that vulgary is beauty, etc., and that these images were in fact carefully manufactured in order to ensure maximum "exposure" (oh that's a doubled-pun) and influence the minds of those being exposed to it.

There is no need to objectify and sexualize everything involving what is considered Entertainment for the masses. However, look at the principal demographic that some of these media devices actually is, and you will understand why they keep on manufacturing these images and whatnot. It is indeed a vicious cycle and it has been going on for far too long, and it seems that no amount of public awareness or sensitivity campagning will change things anytime soon. And so I humbly ask you all simply to always remember that these images here are in fact like propaganga and are designed not just to capture your eye but also to manipulate you into thinking that this is what is considered "sexy". Just keep that in mind everytime you see an image being thrown at you.

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