Blog Archive

Monday 1 April 2019

Hard time(s) for ambient noise drone music...

It goes without saying that even in the best case scenarios, ambient-drone-minimal-noise-abstract experimental music is far from the majority`s daily playlists and go-to musical accompaniement to their daily ventures. Even when the genre "exploded" thanks to the tape culture of the late 80s and early 90s, it only led to what seems like a kind of over-saturation in the early Y2K with the viral-like appearance of many net-labels freely offering artists' releases for streaming and download.

Even though the genre was quite well established and was even searcheable online, maybe the fact that there was now so many exploring the style and putting it out there that it became difficult to find and pin point any real stable source. Not helping is the post 90s western north american philosophy of consume now and discard immediately after use, well established labels who had been a source of steady releases before the advent of MP3 sharing saw their own demise in the making. Even in 2019 (the "now" as this is being written), net-only labels who have barely made a shadow of a dent in their own specific niched direction are closing shop.

Perhaps I myself should have remained more active and in touch with all my networking of the late 90s era instead of exploring totally different venues for my creativity, for when I started re-establishing Wreck Age Recordings in the 2010s or so, no one really seemed to notice... And even since 2017 have been my label's busiest and most productive years ever (with more yearly releases than the so-called "golden age" of 1995 to 1998 or so), it seems whatever I put out there is generally ignored and simply not found on anyone's radar. But who can blame people when they rely on Corporate controlled search engines and other net "cookies" and parameters meant to record and redirect their choices into algorythmically-programmed directions?

Anyway, it's a hard time to be into the non-commercial side of the music spectrum. Anyone expecting even a hint of recognition would give up after a few months as there are just too many other options out there which pop up long before your stuff does... And it is therefore quite fortunate that in my own personnal case, the simple fact of "doing" is enough, and that it is out there for anyone to absorb. Granted some kind of recognition would be quite fantastic but it is now far from a possibility, as our ever-advancing corporate-controlled online world of self-re-programming A.I. make certain that the choices you are to make are already sanctioned by their own merged acquisitions.

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