Blog Archive

Sunday 12 May 2019

Beto's Fritzi (Herrera) - always as delightful as ever!

I think the first time I was exposed to the character of Fritz (or Fritzi), sister of Petra, and both half sisters to the infamous Luba in Gilbert "Beto" Hernandez lore (from the pages of "Love And Rockets" comics and stories) was in the off-shoot mini-séries of the 90s "Birdland". As I found myself quite enthralled by her, I began to hunt down and collect more Beto books and comics to get more of my Fritz fix... although nothing ever came back to how she was portrayed and drawn in "Birdland" (I wrote about this elsewhere, but Beto's art began becoming more primitive and minimalist over the years to the point that at times it almost seemed as though it was done by a hack trying to imitate the Beto style, as well as the very disappointing "The Garden Of The Flesh" one-shot book in which Fritz appears in a non-speaking role - a dissapointment due to the fact that I felt Beto was "lazy" in his art in that book). Anyway, I always enjoyed Beto's pre-Y2K works especially the adventures of the "Luba" sisters, but I always had this soft (or hard!) spot for the lisping psychiatrist Fritz. I do believe there is another post on this very blog earlier on with an image of heras well. Here she is in one of her many "B-Movie" roles as a space ranger of sorts (with short hair). Enjoy!

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